Call To Action - Karten

Call to Action - Karten

Eine weitere Darstellungsmöglichkeit für eine Handlungsaufforderung. In diesem Element stehen dir sehr viele sinnvolle und durchdachte Funktionen zur Verfügung, um die User Experience deines Webshops massiv zu verbessern.

Product link

You can link a product to which the button should link. Of course you can also set the URL manually (internal/external).
Discover now

Category link

Linking categories instead of static URLs is great because the URL changes automatically when the category changes.
View Category

Different styles

Customizable buttons based on the theme colors. You can choose between more than 15 variants.
Primary button

Responsive font sizes

Different font sizes can be set for each device. So you can control how big the content is on different devices.
Secondary button

SEO Settings

You want to customize your content for search engines. With this element you can, for example, make the headline readable/not readable for Google.
Button bordered

Call-To-Action cards with image/upload

Image / Upload

The content cards really come into their own when you decorate them with an additional image. This way you can promote your call-to-action more effectively.
Success - Button

Various fits

To make the images of the content cards look uniform, you can freely determine the fit of the image according to the use case.
Info - Button

Text alignment

Depending on the use case, you may also want to align the text. Everything has been thought of in this element! Now your creativity is needed.
Warning - Button
CMS Bundle
von: RH-Webdesign
(27+) Bewertungen
1870+ Downloads
Zum Shopware Store
Schnellkontakt Widget